Tending to Your Inner Garden
Mindfulness Workshop
HOW TO MINDFULLY NOURISH YOUR INNER GARDEN so that you can live with more joy, ease, calm and inner peace
In this workshop you will learn:
What is the inner garden and how to nourish it
How the internal (subconscious) affects the external (conscious)
Empowering, simple ways to take care of your garden (even when you're too busy for self care)
The wisdom of your emotions
How to take care of your anxiety, stress, dis-ease
A holistic mind, body, heart, soul approach to growth and healing
What others loved about this workshop:
Ready to dive in and nourish your garden?
Get cosy, grab a notebook and press play!
So, how was it? What are you excited to implement in your own daily life?
I’d love to hear from you! Send me a DM on IG @victorianhan
Invitation to work with me 1:1
If you loved this workshop and are ready to live life with more awareness, trust and a deeper embodiment of who you are and how you want to show up in the world, you’re invited to work with me 1:1.
There are two ways to work with me right now:
Inner Wisdom Breakthrough Session: a 75-mins intensive session that help you tap into your inner wisdom to get perspective, clarity, and next action steps. Great if you feel lost, stuck or unclear about an area of your life are currently "waiting" for a breakthrough. Instead of waiting... CREATE, OWN, EMPOWER your next breakthrough. Book a session here.
Become an Embodied Soul (3 - 6 month container): An Embodied Soul anchors themselves within. They don’t wait for permission to live their lives. They trust themselves, they love themselves and most importantly they feel freedom in who they are, what they do and how they BE. You will learn how to become present with all parts of yourself: your body, mind, heart and soul. And live, work, play, connect, create FREEDOM from a place where all parts of you are activated working together. Schedule a free exploration call to see if we’re a good fit.