What actually happens when you're stressed

I am a little bit of a geek. I love learning and delving into better understanding the physiology of our emotions and the affects on mind-body.

Often we are taught that our brain is the super computer of the body, and that it sends signals to the rest of the body. But did you know that THE HEART actually sends more signals to the brain than the other way around?

The body often responds quicker than the brain does and is sending more information to the brain, whether we are conscious of it or not.


Cool, right? But what does this mean and why is it important?

Think about how your body reacts to stress. Tight shoulders, jaw clenched, rigid spine, headaches.

When the body is in this stress response the heart sends signals to the brain which greatly affect our:

  • Perceptions

  • Ability to make decisions

  • Short and long term memory

  • Reaction times

  • Ability to learn

  • Ability to problem solve

  • Our creativity

  • Emotional responses

  • And ability to self regulate our emotions

It’s hard to work or focus when all of the above are affected.

Increasing our capacity for self awareness of the mind-body is an essential skill for moving away from stress/fear/anxiety to cultivating calm, clarity and focus - especially for entrepreneurs who get overwhelmed and easily distracted by everything they do for their business.

Are you interested in learning how you can cultivate calm, work differently, and make better decisions for you and your business? I’ve opened up a few slots over the next couple of weeks for you to book a 1-hr discovery call with me where I'll give you 3 - 4 tips on what I would do if I was in your situation.

These calls are for you if:

  • You run your own business

  • You really want to lower your stress and anxiety levels

  • You understand it takes time and commitment to create new healthy habits

Click here to reserve a time to have a conversation with me. At the end I can also tell you about my new course and see if we’d be a good fit to work together.