What's missing from the industry's standard self care talk

Warning: This is NOT your average self care message.

There is a lot of talk out there about self care. 

And you've probably seen time and time again, why this is important (so I'm going to skip that bit). 

But what I find MISSING in your average love and light, toxic positivity self care post is this: 

It's not just about taking care of your physical body.

Or just fixing your mindset. 

We are FULL AND WHOLE beings. 

And this means we need to take care of ourselves AS A FULL AND WHOLE BEING. 

It's not just go for run / sweat it out and your emotions will disappear. 

I've heard from people time and time again, that even when they exercise and take care of their body, their stress comes back once the endorphins die down and it's the SAME stress.

 Or that their anger and frustration is still there after a hard workout.

Or that after meditating and working on their mindset and self development, they still experience fear, anxiety, and the energy of not being worthy or good enough.

That's because in our industry-standard self care talk, we miss the fact that we need to learn to care for what I refer to as the FOUR LEVELS OF BEING.

These are: 

  1. Body

  2. Mind

  3. Emotions

  4. AND energy / spirit

They do not work separately.

They support, and impact, each other. 

Knowing how to care for each separately, and together, is important to cultivating calm, balance, ease, creativity, intuition, productivity, confidence, self trust, etc. 

The first step to this is to bring awareness to these four levels of being.

See what's happening on each.

Do it with non judgement.

Do it with compassion.

Do it with an intention to understand and connect to yourself better (not to "fix" yourself).

This is where lasting change and transformation happens.

This is where you can start to trust yourself more.

Where you can show up confidently in your job or business.

Where you not just FEEL worthy but EMBODY courage, joy, worthy.

It is so much more than lighting candles and having a bubble bath as self care.

To help you bring awareness to the four levels of your being, I've recorded a short, guided meditation.

Add it to your self care routine this weekend. Or your weekly routine. Or our morning or evening routine. Between episodes of your fav Netflix show. It's only 10-minutes.

Also available on the Insight Timer meditation app.

Resonate with this? Please feel free to share the meditation with your friends!

If you want to learn how to ingrain this way of being into HOW YOU ARE (not just what you do)? Check out the details of intuitive, transformational coaching with me. 

Breathing with you in full support of who you are,


Victoria Nhan