Questions to ask yourself and tap into your intuition

I often get asked a lot about intuition... 

"How do I listen to it?"

"How do I trust it?"

"How can I enhance my sense of it?"

"I don't think I have an intuition, where do I find it?"

Listening to your intuition is a practice.

And it's not just for life's "big decisions" like where you should live, your career, if you should keep dating that person, if you should quit your job, what your life's purpose is. 

What I teach my clients is to start practice listening to your intuition on a daily basis. 

In every day choices and decisions.

From what you eat to what you choose to think and say.

To how you choose to BE. 

The more you tune into your intuition and use it, the easier it will be to listen and trust it. 

It's not lost. You don't not have one. 

You just need to use it more regularly. 

Our intuition (or that "gut feeling") is a great guide. 

Our bodies send 80% more signals to the brain than the other way around. Yup. Read that again.

So, in case you forgot, you and your being are very wise.

It's time to tune in.

To practice tapping into your intuition for answers and guidance, start to ask yourself these questions...

  1. What does my heart say / want?

  2. Tuning into the wisdom of my body, and the signals it gives me, what does my body say?

  3. Knowing that I can't get it wrong when I listen to myself, what is the aligned action for me?

  4. Knowing that there is no right or wrong, good or bad, what supports me in this moment?

I know it might go against everything you were ever taught…

(at least that was certainly the case for me and the clients I work with)

But you do have answers, you are wise, you are allowed to listen to that inner voice.

In learning how to connect to yourself, listen to yourself, and honour your inner guide, you will actually honour others more than the habit of people pleasing ever will.

Do you want to trust and listen to yourself more?

If so, you're invited to work with me 1:1. As a coach, I support you to shift the stories that no longer serve you (ie. looking outward for answers) and help you to step into courage, confidence and deep self trust so that you can live and work with authenticity, in your own way, to your own values.

How does it work? 

Over a period of 3 or 6 months, we meet three times weekly for 1-hr coaching sessions. In these sessions you will be guided, supported, and compassionately challenged. Sometimes clients come with a question or problem they want support with and other times we work on your goals.

You'll get homework/exercises to do between our calls. You get text and voice note support between calls. You also get unlimited access to my online studio to further your growth and healing journey. AND, you get a special rate on Reiki healing sessions. 

You'll develop new habits. You'll see things differently. You'll feel different. You'll BE different. And, you will start to trust and listen to yourself in a way you never thought possible. 

Book a free consultation call here (you'll be taken to my calendar to reserve a time) 

Let's see if you and I are aligned to work together. Only if we both feel like we are a good fit will we proceed. 


With trust and gratitude,


ps. here's what one of my clients said after only one coaching session together…


and what another one said as she commits to connecting to herself in our 6-month coaching program…
