#1 thing that helped me be less anxious

I used to be a very anxious person. I mean, I hid it well because I was also high functioning.

While yes, I got shit done in life, I often found myself worried, anxious and stressed.

Something that has helped me IMMENSELY shift from being a high functioning anxious person to a more grounded, confident person is this:

Connecting more to my body.

Learning how to listen to and connect to my body - like I mean really, really listen to my body has changed everything.

It's opened up my intuition.

And the flood gates of self trust and self love.

It's shifted me out of my busy mind and scary thoughts.

It's taught me that I can feel anxious and sad but it doesn't mean I am less worthy or less capable.

It's allowed me to wake up every day with a sense of gratitude and magic.

It's allowed me to not run my body to the ground and burn out.

Listening to my body is a daily practice.

And it is also a skill I had to learn to be more joyful, more peaceful, more calm.

Learning to listen more deeply to your body is one of the key pillars of my online community + membership: the Embodied Soul Space (ESS)

ESS is a space to explore and be curious.

What does it mean to listen to my body? How do I do that? What is my body saying to me today?

ESS is a space where you learn to take the elevator down from your anxious mind and down into your body.

Life is lived in the present moment, and the more awareness and skill we have to connect with ourselves and others, the more we actually live.

What's included when you join:

  • 100+ embodiment practice videos including guided meditations, yin + restorative yoga, somatic tools, mobility exercises, mindfulness, journaling prompts and breath work techniques

  • 3x live, weekly community sessions via Zoom if you want to connect and practice as a group

  • Dharma talks in audio or video format with optional homework exercises for integration

  • Interactive workshops, masterclasses and trainings to delve deeper into your learning

  • *NEW* Personalized, monthly intuitive readings (with Oracle or Tarot Cards) for energetic and spiritual support for your month ahead

  • *NEW* Personalized, accountability and support plan with recommended practices to do in the month to reach your goals

  • Supportive, like-minded community of Embodied Souls learning and growing with you

  • Coming soon: guest teachers, leaders and facilitators

There are THREE tiers that you can join at, depending on your goals and finances: Sun, Moon and Rising ;)

And if you have questions that aren't answered above, feel free to hit reply and let's chat.

Looking forward to holding space and guiding you as you deepen your connection to your body, too.

With love,


You don't have to take my word for it… read what others say about practicing with me: