We are spiritual Beings living human experiences

Something that has allowed me to create so much more ease and groundedness in life is this:

Opening myself up to deeper levels of Soul and Spirit.

It has been transformational.

I see it in the way in which I choose to not question, analyze, overthink or logically explain intuitive whispers and nudges.

(This is a continued practice when the mind wants linear, logical, safe and we actively CHOOSE soul, expansion, flow and non-linear).

I see it in the way I hear Spirit. In how I speak to Spirit. In how I receive Spirit and then ground it into my physical body.

I see it in how I'm moving with love, joy, celebration and grief with the transition of my grandfather versus when I processed previous transitions that were very much attached to heavy stories of death.

Embodied soul and Spirit is what I'm playing with and deepening.

I invite you to do the same.

This is a reminder that we are spiritual beings living human experiences.

How f**king cool is that?

Magic is literally everywhere...

And most importantly, magic lives WITHIN us.

Tap in.
Tune in.
Breathe in.
Embrace in.
Anchor in.
Share it from within.
Play within.
Have fun within.

If this resonates with you and/or sparks curiosity on how you can live more embodied and in sync with your body-mind-heart-soul, here are a few ways to learn:

  1. Follow me on Instagram for regular, free content and practices

  2. Join my mailing list (also free!) for tips, tools, practices and stories

  3. Explore working with me 1:1 in a Inner Wisdom Breakthrough Session or longer term, regular support here