Hyperindividualism keeps you small

Moving into the second half of the year I'm thinking a lot about hyper individualism.

Growing up my mom instilled in me that I had to be successful because it was my job to prove to the world that we did not need my father (my parents split when I was 8).

That shit impacted me. Like a lot. That's a lot of pressure for an 8 year old.

It became the metal amour I wore in the army of hyper individualism.

I bore the responsibility to always be the strong one - at school, work, in all of my relationships. It became my duty to be “strong”

It used to be incredibly hard for me to ask for help and to receive support.

Any of this resonating with you yet?

I used to feel so uncomfortable being supported.

Now that I am at a place in my life where I've done a lot of inner work and healing, I've realized that I will never not welcome support.

Being supported has allowed me to grow into the next version of me, over and over again.

To expand and receive in ways I didn't even dream about.

I make it a priority to receive without guilt or shame because I believe that EVERYONE deserves to be supported.

Hyper individualism tells us that we are “better” when we get shit done alone (think about how much society loves a “self made” millionaire).

It ignores the fact that by nature we are communal beings.

The 31-day bragging challenge has become an amazing example of why support matters.

And yes, we're only two days in and there is serious magic happening!!

Why? Because there is power in community, in a Sangha (a community of like-minded people).

Letting yourself receive and be supported allows you to learn and be reminded that:

(1) you are not alone, even if it feels like it

(2) you can do hard things when you remember that you're not alone

(3) you are inherently worthy of support, support = strength

(4) you're morely like to integrate new habits and ways of thinking when you're supported

(5) you feel safe to expand, grow and take up space

If you want to dig a bit deeper at the stories you hold subconscious and consciously about being supported, here are a few journal prompts to play with:

  • On a scale of 1 - 10, how comfortable am I asking for help or receiving support?

  • What have I been taught by my parents, society, mainstream media about being supported?

  • What are the things I can become aware of so that I can have the results you desire?

  • What new beliefs and thoughts about receiving support am I willing to entertain?

As I heard in a workshop once: “Individualism keeps us surviving. Community helps us thrive.

Happy July.

May you receive all the support your heart and inner child desire, even when it feels hard,

xo, Victoria

ps. here are three ways I offer support right now:

(1) my online membership of mindfulness, somatic and embodied healing practices: The Embodied Soul Space

(2) work with me 1:1. I'm playing with new options and levels of support, I invite you to explore them.

(3) Special July events on the 13th and 27th: Yin + Journaling classes for the Full Moon in Cancer and New Moon in Leo. Read more about the meridian lines we'll active, the energy we will tap into and register here.