Embracing our relationship with fear and change

Floating around on social media the other day was this statement:

"Change shouldn't feel scary. It should feel empowering."

Well, yes… but also… no.

In case you've been going through change thinking that it shouldn't feel scary and it should only ever feel expansive and empowering, I'd like you to know this:

Change is scary.

And it's OKAY that change is scary.

It's OKAY that you aren't running straight into change like you would into the ocean on a hot summer day.

It's OKAY that change is challenging you right now.

Change, healing, growth, personal and spiritual development, isn't about going through these things because they're easy.

I mean, if it was easy… we'd have a whole world full of people who were emotionally aware, energetically attuned, knew their worth, and weren't trying to constantly gain more status than their neighbour 😅

So much of who we are, our personalities, our habit behaviours, our attitudes have been created to keep us safe.

That's why when change presents itself, it can often feel scary.

Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually - changes means new.

And when it's new, it can feel scary.

Fear is there to protect us.

Fear is also our intuition (as my Human Design teacher Jenna Zoe says, fear is our intuition with a lack mentality).

So I'm re-writing the above statement:

Change feels empowering BECAUSE it's scary.

When we experience change, and we shift the baseline of what it's like to feel safe in a new or different way of being, we start to feel empowered.

We remind ourselves that we aren't controlled by our fears.

That we can do scary things.

Like ask for support and guidance.

Or start a business, raise our prices.

Or quit our jobs for a new one.

Or take risks to be vulnerable and open ourselves up to deeper connections.

It's time to normalize the fact that change is scary, and that's okay.

And that we can feel both scared and empowered at the same time.

In order for us to heal, grow, transform and change, we don't need to get rid of fear, but rather embrace its wisdom and lessons.

If you'd like to dig a bit deeper… below are some journal prompts re fear and change for you to explore.

Journal prompts for embracing fear and change:

  • What is this fear trying to protect me from?

  • What lessons can I gather from fear speaking to me?

  • What do I need to make me feel safe as I process fear and change? Who, what can support me?

  • Without the need to get rid of fear, what else can I invite in alongside fear to help me feel empowered through change?

Breathing with you, and honouring the normalcy of our fears,
