How to make a morning routine actually work for you

Do you have a morning routine you religiously live by?

Does it feel good in your body?

Do you do it because you “think you should”?

There was a day this week where I rolled out of bed at 9:30am to get in the bath with my coffee.

A previous version of me would not do this. Period.

Because she believed that she had to work right away upon waking up. That the most important thing was to immediately DO.

I used to believe that I NEEDED a very specific morning routine to be successful and happy.

This belief ended up resulting in years of forcing myself to get up extra early ("to eat the worm"), of not listening to my body, and of ignoring my needs in favour of following an oppressive system.

But wait, don't go tearing up your morning routine….

(I mean if you have been feeling like you want to and this feels permission giving then go ahead... 🤷🏻‍♀️)

As you explore your routines, consider this:

This is how I coach my clients when we talk about morning/evening/XYZ routines.

  • What assumptions do you hold around routines and where did they come from?

  • Notice if "SHOULD" comes up in the above thoughts / beliefs

  • What is your intention around creating a routine?

  • How does it current feel in your body and how do you want it to feel?

  • Does your current routine support you in embodying the above? If not, what adjustments can you explore making? What “shoulds” can you drop?

Consider that for some a structured, scheduled routine is energetically correct for them.

While for others, it might not be.

One is not better than the other, nor good / bad.

Your routine will evolve as YOU evolve. Give it - and yourself - the grace and space to do so.

What's my routine? It is not structured right now. But it always include a check in of my body, mind, emotions and energy... and ask myself how do I want to BE?

And then prioritize the take caring of these needs and being throughout my day. Def not by 6am - ha 🤪

Coach yourself through the questions.

Journal on em, meditate on em, talk em out, use your inner authority (for my Human Design nerds).

pssst… the above is an example of how I approach coaching. I don't tell you what to do. I guide you to figure it out on your own with your body, mind, emotions and spirit. Work with me one-on-one.

also, if Instagram is your jam, connect with me there… and say hi! @victorianhan