Posts tagged compassion
This muscle deserves your attention, too

The human species focuses a lot on training the physical body - your abs, biceps, quads.

I'd argue that we should be training the following muscles just as much, if not more than, our abs: our muscles of self awareness, compassion, discernment and intuition.

Self awareness isn't a skill that you simply have, or don't have.

It's a muscle that you can choose to train.

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No one can heal you but you. Period.

Any time anyone refers to me as a “healer” or that I “healed” them, I cringe.

Personally, I don't resonate with this title.

Here's why:

No one else can heal you but yourself.

You are your own healer.

Now, this is not to say that we don't need support because we can heal ourselves. Or that you have to go about this alone.

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